Thank you for your interest.

I am a professional full time photographer deriving my livelihood from my cameras and equipment. Please have a look at my work here, and on Instagram, Model Mayhem and Facebook. You will see that I am versatile and rarely follow the norms when it comes to themes for shoots. I offer reasonable rates for head shots and portfolio building work. 

Paid shoots are available from time to time at a clients requests or for a specific project I may be working on. My art projects are primarily trade.

I am continually looking for models for various personal projects. I do however, have a limited amount of time to devote to trade work and only accept it if the theme of the shoot will enhance both our books. For the most part I'm looking for female models at least 18 years old with some experience, though I do work with those with none. Models with acting experience or figure modeling will be given first looks.

Thank you again and I hope to hear from you soon.

(505) 215-2821 - cell